
Yeah that was the only Battlefield Single player I liked. I really wasn't a fan of Bad comp mutiplayer, after coming from BF2 into Bad comp I didn't care for it at all. Hated Battlefield 3 story but loved it's Multiplayer. But yeah it's whatever BF4 story looks"meh" multiplayer looks like the next level of shooters ha.

As far as I can tell Bad comp has been scraped for the next few years.

Totally, I know some people might make this out as"evil EA' but they should read the article. It's good most of them stayed with their jobs and moved on to DICE LA. I think DICE LA may play a big part in some of their future games.

Haha Carved the wind slays.

Also at least he is keeping it real..maybe a little to real. Somethings don't make sense I think the people who COULD make these mods would have someone to stop cheating or etc.

Hehe totally mate! I was just telling a guy about Gorod you heard of them?

You heard of Gorod?

HA I just posted something about that but my comments are always in the waiting for review section :/ It's pretty long.. PR was a fun mod.

Only Mod I think Could make a combat for BF would be project Reality..but then again you could always play Arma for that. Mostly what made the Mods awesome back in the where the amount of Crazy stuff you can do. Battlefield Sandbox was pretty fun(think minecraft but Battlefield), Also AIX is still a personal fav of

Awesome band! Saw them live some years ago.

I've been out for the comic loop for a while I go to a few Comic stores in downtown Atlanta but as of late nothing I've seen with Marvel has me interested. They've seen released a crazy amount of Avengers propaganda. I wonder how many ISO games marvel related are going to get released.

I'm ok with my perfect xbox 360 slim.

Man not kissing your ass but you speak from the heart I can appreciate that about another person. I hold the same mindset, at the end of the day I look at it like neither company is paying you to advertise their product. So why do it? Keep that mindset man it can change the internet for the better, I try to avoid

I hear you lol I'll keep a eye out, the sad part most of the people on here are adults. I understand someone could get mad at their fellow man for having a different opinion(reason why they get I don't know), but once you bring in how someone should die or get cancer is stupid. One thing I've noticed in the past few

Protection from people getting punched in the face.

I'm no fanboy of either console but this was easily the most thought post I've seen all week. Fanboyism has really gone overboard in the past few days on youtube someone said" your mother should die if she get's you a Xbox one" Or Ps4 players are N****erlovers* . I'm truly appalled at the state of gamers mind set,,

It's odd cause before most of those games come on it said in bold fucking print THIS IS BETA OR ALPHA...and they still don't fucking get it.

Pass the popcorn.. this is going to be good.

Well he just made my mohawk look like shit.

Yeah well what do you expect it's COD? I wish I could say nice things about the company cause I hate disrespecting game designers for the decisions their dumb bosses want to make/promise I think this game is going to be like every other COD before it"damn that looks cool can't wait too do that" *get's the game plays