So basically like the xbox one? As far as I'm concerned the xbox one is done with
So basically like the xbox one? As far as I'm concerned the xbox one is done with
One of the best game series ever made.. epic.s
Did you grow up in the 90s or was born in the 90s? Anyway I compare the xbox one to being Jaguar shitty.
WOW thanks dude I didn't know that.
Hay guys trust Shane BECOME a prime member. It saves you a SHIT ton of money in the long run and get streaming as well..its gnarly I don't have all the money in the world but I dropped on that some years ago and it's worth it.
Also No Fallout? Strange.
Rockstar guys are so hipsterish lol. Also this looks like current gen which is not bad at all because these look damn good.
Also you should see what Michael preacher said I HIGHLY doubt EA will try add any new DRM even if most people still have this"I HATE EA" mentality in their head for some reason. As Stephen said yesterday basically was about management change and making changes with the company (like listening to the consumers for a…
Honestly DRm doesn't bother me for a few reason one I buy ALL my games NEW. I haven't brought a used game sense mid xbox first gen. But I see where the arguments lie tho, I'm getting the playstation 4 cause games with DRM aren't all rubbish some are good and some are shit(sim city). As you said if you don't like it…
I hate both of them. But she seems like someone I would shake.
It was already a yearly game before Bad comp was released this was the first one released I think in about 2 years.
Hay Mike Long time Battlefielder here,,,I must say out of all the things I've seen in gaming over the years this is TRULY next gen. On a Tablet? I swear I would of never even thought of this years ago when playing BF2 and nam. Once again DICE still make some of the best shooters on the market, one thing I've always…
Yeah I know he is just mocking the Xbox bros. He is pretty cool for the most part
GOD DAMN it's really late I see what you fucking did their,,your tricky fuck I applaud you.
If their was ever denial when I see some it would be here. BRO its not even that fucking SERIOUS it's a damn game console! Sony won, I'm getting a PS4 big fucking deal. If you want a Xbox one go get one, if your money,I don't give a fuck what anybody does with their money neither should you. You act like you actually…
DR Thax was SO FUCKING OP online back in the day,,haha I used the shit out of him lol. I would rather buy a new C&C then play free to play it can't end well at all.
Just so alot of you people know Francis is just fucking around he doesn't really care( I HONESTLY HOPE SO) cause if any grown ass man(thats for anyone) takes console wars this seriously or uses shit like "we won" is pathetic . In other news the PS4 is tits.
There must be alot of hurt asses right now I cannot express the amount of hurt butts.
I'm a Xbox 360 Owner and a PC owner and Sony really saw the big picture I don't really like some of the games but that is OK I will support them cause they CARE for gamers and not any shitty policeys.