This friday it will happen.
This friday it will happen.
Honestly I'm sure they have their reasons.
FUCKING awesome! now Please say the price
That's pretty cool I would love to see this in a RTS that would be something epic.
LOL I'm sure you heard of Aliens:AC
I think its neck and neck with MS and EA , EA blew away just about everything.
Yup Yup BO2 was pretty good but I HATED tho RTS type missions.
Oh I was speaking on Mutiplayer I hated MW story it was really stale after 2 but Bo story was neat and really interesting In terms of mutiplayer I think BF3 holds the crown.Yeah the blue tint wasn't bad to me, After getting the DLC for BF3 their is diff few mutiplayers that can hold a candle(after shock is pretty…
Pretty much I only finished 2 COD games...and that was fucking tough.
So you like anything Luke? But you're right tho I think the single player was "meh" on BF3 it's not meant to be a single player but it's good the option is there. I don't spend money on just one part of the game(look at some of the COD players people who never touched the single player). But you're entitled to your…
WOW Both BO and MW mutiplayers where nothing short of abysmal players and editors alike can agree on that. I'm not sure where you got the idea BF3 tanked from it was EA best selling game? and Plenty of people played it.. I assume you're speaking personally.
WOW! Yup this is a day one.
I have to agree, I've never been one to HATE simply because it wasn't the workers who cause the problems but management. EA has once again held strong in the games department, I think the management COULD have something to do with it, I'm not sure. After watching what DICE did to BF4 and Mirrors Edge(both where beyond…
word word that's understand bud. PC or console?
Agreed, hay how the hell does DICE come up with their sound I asked a few of their workers on twitter never got a response? Some say they have the best sound in the industry,,which is hard to argue. I've never heard a game sound better then BF..also COD seems DOOMED compared to BF4,
Good on you EA , you had a very very very great E3 conference. It seems like you guys had your head on right and the BF4 mutiplayer could be one of the most innovative modern war games to date.
BF3 Aftershock DLC is a MUST it is VERY EPIC.
Or you could keep the potentially arrogant comment to ones self. Also I sorta see what you mean but I think when it comes to BF(I own them all and I was it a tournaments back in the day around 2005 when BF2 dropped). I think Both have pros and cons..BF2,1942 and nam had the worst spawn I can think of and mostly…
NOW this was funny as fuck.