You sound like someone who just shits on other people happiness for no reason at all? if DICE is behind Battlefront I doubt they could fuck it up battlefield is what battlefront is based off of anyway.
He needs to calm his tits.
Well they just showed over.
Not sure how from what I heard every game is trying to"copy" cod its a pretty tired statement. They don't even feel like the same game(which alot of editors have pointed out) other then being a military shooter.
This game seems very interesting.
Thanks dude appreciate that. Also what games are you looking forward to (exclusives)? If I had to choose I would Summerset Overdrive, Quantum Break and surprisingly Spark seemed like a very interesting game..Like a xbox version of little big planet.
WOW those guys at the bottom are suppose to stop me from getting into that awesome mech? I can bench press them*macho ego coming out* you wanna see my KD?
I wish I could dude collage and I take care of my disable mom and my nephew which comes before anything game releated. I plan on picking one of up I built my pc a few months ago to run crysis 3 on max(or close). But I like the xbox alot of people seem to have a unfathomable hate for it. I like both consoles actually…
Mr money man can you buy me 3.
If I was to buy this it would be from amazon plus I have prime.. skip the tax.
As crazy as this sounds anything that could hopefully slow down cheating or prevent it is good(but you can never stop cheating online). Hopefully PS4 does have something like this as well.
LOL come on you're being nit picky..BUT he sorta reminds me of kenshiro from Fist of the north star..where the hell does he get these shirts?
I mean that is a very personal opinion when I lived in Miami we held competition(actually mat my bestfriend like that) we still play Gold on N64 till this day.
Now that I thought about it the price isn't really that bad considering the Hardware that comes with it BUT the policys is what's bothering me.
I liked mostly all the games I saw...But AINT NOT WAY in hell I'm spending that much on a console just yet considering that PS4 have damn near the same hardware I wouldn't be surprised by that price either.
WOW this looks REALLY good and alot more interesting this time around
Really impressed it was a very short video.
I doubt it bro you know your account carries over so HOPEFULLY we don't end up getting fucked.
You're entitled to your opinion so I can't argue with that..but ok. I'm picking up both consoles most likely, I dislike most of the features on Xbone but they don't directly affect me..but it's pretty fucked up they have those policys.