I thought so, too! I didn't think the Axelrod was half bad either, but Strong's impression was more consistent
I thought so, too! I didn't think the Axelrod was half bad either, but Strong's impression was more consistent
he isn't really taking the bait that easily is he? let me check:
and Macy's
at a certain point, "Is this person a racist" is no longer an opinion.
dude you gotta let that go
Dwayne "The Scissors" Johnson is such a great joke, I am amazed I had never heard it before this episode.
I grew up in rural Texas in a relatively ethnically diverse town, interestingly enough.
Frankly. I found SoDoSoPa to be a funnier version of it.
it's like a tim and eric sketch but not very funny
But the universal translator makes no sense either, since all languages are made up of metaphors like what is happening in Darmok.
jesus christ fuck everything in the world
Hillary Clinton, as recently as last year, tweeted "All Lives Matter"
I have always had a special place in my heart for Schaal. She's really really funny.
Ruin implies the thing was good in the first place.
i am freaking out right now and needed an IV of news in my arm
like insulting the muppets?
holy bajesus it's this show
This really made me reflect on how downright surreal all of the final fantasy writing is
Serious question: I bought a limited trial of CBS all access to watch trump's 60 minutes interview and now I literally can find how to cancel it before they charge my credit card
those were my thoughts.