Are you sure these aren't <i>Boogie Nights</i> behind-the-scenes shots?
Are you sure these aren't <i>Boogie Nights</i> behind-the-scenes shots?
You just blew my mind. I've been using Linux/MacOS/BSD for 7 years and NEVER one time have heard of Ctrl+R.
I have seriously found that you can pretty much use dog training/child discipline books interchangeably until about age 8. Bark collars work wonders for screaming kids!
Palm of hand goes here.
Just don't trip.
You must not be good at drugs. But that's ok, practice makes perfect. Why not try shrooms? They're pretty tame, just make sure you have about 10 hours to kill and possibly someone to keep an eye on you. (note: this person should not also be on shrooms)
Why can't we have nice things like this?
Still, why are they charged? Is signing up at that age a form of monetary donation? It just feels shady.
Seriously? I was halfway through the signup process... The site's getting hammered right now, I guess as a result of the OP.
Temple Grandin would like a word.
Wow, I thought this product was dead. Too bad I already sold my Mac :(
Don't have kids. Please.
Doug, why do you even have a job here?
You must be from America. We don't really do that to each other here, in the rest of the civilized world.
I didn't read the article, but I'm going to call bullshit because grownups don't fucking cry at work.
This has to be the dumbest possible question. Could the game look any better compared to something I have never seen and therefor have no frame of reference with which to make the comparison? What kind of dumbass question is that? The answer is yes, btw.
Yes, that bastion of respect and decency, Reddit.
Let's not forget, also, that Neuromancer had spacefaring Rastafarian hackers way back in 1984.
Brb going to learn how to make game
Nope. See what GangMember said.