

Or you could just buy a Lightning to HDMI adapter. Or you could just quit bitching like this is a life-altering change. You mean upgrading one piece of hardware in an ecosystem may entail upgrading others as well? Fuck me!

My wet bar demands one of these. Where do I sign up?

Haha, I really lost it at the Johnnie Walker comment. +1

Tragic flaw: a dumbshit name that's so bad I'd be embarrassed to buy it, much less tell my friends about it.

For now. Also, wrong form of "you're", idiot.

Nay, but mostly because they've repeatedly ignored my unsubscribe requests.

Just wanted to stop by and say fuck the guy with the portrait orientation video.

Who's criticizing it for being boring and marginal? Most of Gizmodo hasn't been able to take their hands off their dicks long enough to proofread their own iPhone reporting.

Jesus says a lot of things. And he never proofreads them.

Probably the only way to truly alleviate the disorientation would be some form of eye tracking combined with direct projection onto the retina. Maybe version 2. Or 3.


We have a local chain that's 1000x better. At Chipotle, the quality of steak is garbage, the rice tastes like lemon-lime soda, and the tortillas are cheap and flavorless.

Most overrated chain of all time.

I've wondered why they don't just have one screen for each eye. Then, while they're at it, they could just add regular lenses. Maybe transition sunglasses. That'd solve the ugliness problem people seem to have as well. Although I don't understand that complaint.

I'd really like to meet his pot dealer.

Social engineering is stupidly easy, though. Anybody with a convincing voice and no scruples can pull it off. All you need is the last 4 digits of someone's credit card and a valid receipt to convince most people you're legit on the phone. "We're calling because we see that you've been duplicate charged during your

Only if the website is in violation of PA-DSS.

Shattered Nations (video)

Oh Greece, is there anything you can't screw up horribly?