
It seems like getting their tablets out there? Way to open your article with a goddamn sentence fragment. You write for a living. Learn how and/or hire a proofreader.

The real problem is that you're a grownup who still plays JRPGs. Troll out.

Only thing that needs to be in that sick day kit is some dank hydro. Truth.

God I hope you're being facetious.

Fuck you forever Gizmodo. Hire a proofreader. I shouldn't feel like I have to post this every damn day.


This, along with any other "turn off phone feature X to boost productivity" claim, says more about an individual user's lack of self-control than it does about email or the feature itself.

Maybe take some of the money you're going to make from this and hire a proofreader?

Oh my god that's adorable.

COULD HAVE GIVEN. For fuck's sake Gawker Media, hire a goddamn proofreader.

I guess it's just because I'm in South Carolina, but I've never been able to get through to a bible literalist until they themselves were so disgruntled that they start looking for the truth themselves.

That's... awful. And unsurprising.

This isn't nearly as cool as the article lead me to believe.

Yes, I'm sure this will do the trick. Then when you're done, you can show him that Bill Maher documentary to convince him to stop worshiping a 2000 year old dead guy. Foolproof.

Does the US still use it? That sounds like it would break about a billion international treaties.

By the same token, my broke ass 1992 Volvo station wagon is a sports car because it isn't a minivan.

How is a planet six times Earth's mass and nearly twice as hot considered Earth-like? Or do they mean it in the purest sense of the term, i.e. both are definitely planets that are habitable by something?

Smart buyers wait for reviews.

By that logic you should never buy anything new ever.

Wow, I just got one of these last week. I didn't know that it moved that fast, it sounds much slower. Which is a testament to its design, I guess.