Not... Really? What I choose to do in the comfort of my own home is nobody else's business. Replace marijuana with gay sex in your post and tell me if that doesn't make your head hurt.
Not... Really? What I choose to do in the comfort of my own home is nobody else's business. Replace marijuana with gay sex in your post and tell me if that doesn't make your head hurt.
How in the hell people were convinced to follow people who were demonstrably idiotic sociopaths like Mao and Pol Pot is beyond me. Did Mao have a single idea that either wasn't patently stupid or didn't blow up in his face?
Smoking (real) marijuana doesn't mean you are or make you any more dim than drinking alcohol, which is totally socially acceptable. Crap like your post is just a hilarious double-standard.
We're talking about the story and not the shitshow movie, right?
Gizmodo keeps declaring Microsoft a world leader in design, and I keep wondering what the hell they're talking about.
Is this the point in history where the US officially took a back seat to China? (jk, that was years ago)
To be fair, Internet service in Australia is pretty terrible.
Whatever they do, it sure as hell isn't making money.
Is the sick passenger John Lithgow?
This is cool, and I'm looking forward to it, but what's the business model? If this season "does well", what does that mean?
I wish LifeHacker would find an app to remind them to PROOFREAD THEIR FUCKING ARTICLES.
It's not as obnoxious as headsets in public.
I'm not sure what the impetus behind this comment system was besides some kind of newfangled web 2.0 faffery, but this really is garbage.
Don't most modern operating systems already do this to some extent?
Let's hope this was the guy responsible for those awful skeuomorphs that have crept into OS X/iOS
I've never had a Belkin product that didn't die within a year of purchase.
if you are muslin
These are the ones that are guaranteed to come with stock Windows and no bloatware, right? If so, sign me up for a lappy!
Another day, another article on a tech website that uses hyphens instead of dashes.
I'll say it again: total squandering of an interesting premise, starting with episode 2.