Jose Nunez

Heads up to all football/soccer fans...this tablet is perfect for r/soccerstreams! I will be connecting this to my projector (thank you for the deal two weeks ago on that 120 inch screen for $5!).

Heads up to all football/soccer fans...this tablet is perfect for r/soccerstreams! I will be connecting this to my

I’d tell myself to read the fine print and fuck Sallie Mae/Navient!


Thoughts....Roomba or no Roomba?

When I worked at Gamestop about 5 years ago we were in a similar situation. Our manager worked solo 12 hours a day some days. Not only were the hours per store based on these sales numbers, our manager then doled out the hours to the employees based on their sales. Most weeks I would work 3-5 hours. It was pathetic.