Black Dialogue

He’s an ok rapper

I’m torn. His voice is grating, but he is an excellent lyricist.

Whenever I get a cold, I cheer myself up with the knowledge that for a brief period of time I get to sound like Bob Dylan.

Yo momma so old, Donald Trump won’t even grab her granddaughter’s pussy.

Yo momma so nasty, she keeps a separate email server for her side pieces

Yes, it’s ok to me. Being the product of an unplanned pregnancy is not inherently negative and it doesn’t mean your parents don’t love you.

But the church can still promise salvation and pass around the collection plate right?

“Mulatto cock”

Roe v Wade did not make abortion legal; not per se. I’m pro-choice, don’t get me wrong. But SCOTUS did not rule, “abortion is legal.” It ruled that the government cannot control what a person decides to do with their body. That is actually even more significant than just saying “abortion is legal,” and here’s why