
why the wii version? I saw the Kinect version and it`s crazy. You are in the game. Better than Dance central.

@dragon83: full price? The kinect games are full price in your country? We get the kinect games for 30 € here in germany.

@blackscot: yes i know what you mean but with this new poker game


@blackscot: time wasters? and games are no "time wasters" ?? LOL

@Lanhoj: They are women ( kinect fit (don`t know the name) and they probable have daughters .. (Dance Central).. yes i think they are the kinect Target audience!

@Pman17: oh oh somebody is afraid of aliens :)

is this the dashboard starting music in this video? that would be awesome :D

@Daniel Hinkles: and don`t forget the awesome and realistic boxing gloves shaped as 2 big light bulbs . That`s what a real fighter looks like.......:) and btw how do you move your Fighter in the boxing ring? the move controller doesn`t have a analog stick! and you need two move controller to fight ...

i loved the Kevin Butler tv spots but it`s getting a bit ....boring... Oo they don`t even get the bashing right anymore :/ they made to many spots with him. Now he is like a ones new bought awesome car. At first it was great to drive around and show everybody how cool you are. A few days (spots) later everybody knows

why the need to explain it? it was awesome... just leave it that way.... FFS!!!!!!!!!!! ,,hey hey hey we need to explain it so it`s not special anymore and so everybody can do it :) "......

What if an animal or baby/kid eates the move ball? did sony think about that?

@Windowlicker: well most of the games for kinect are sports or dance games right now. So sitting down would be strange if you have to jump around^^ they said you can sit down and use kinect if you`re using the NXE! so they have updated it, i guess.