
@Windowlicker: oh ok^^ yes this will be funny ( i guess:/) and it starts to freak out when sitting? do you have kinect? (beta tester?) how is it?^^

@halfbeast: it was just a joke :P (because you have to cover your room so no sunlight gets in so you close the window = no fresh air -.-" now it`s not funny anymore, thank you :( ... :P)

@Windowlicker: but it didn`t! He said the move was not in direct sunlight and the tv was in the shadows aswell! the floor was covered in sunlight and the legs of the fat cat^^

so what have we learned from the second have to live in a sunless part of the world or in your basement or covering your window as soon as you want to play a move game. Well i like sun and i like games but move hates sun .. that`s a problem :/

Who wants to sit so close to the Tv?

lag much?

@Arken: wtf... why and what are they doing?

MORE MORE MORE!! that was so funny :D is there a site on the interwebs with more stories like this? :D

@reducks: and how would you play the demos without kinect? ^^ and there were demos for kinect on xbox live! i don` t know if they still are.

@Thut: by the amount of work it should be 5 dollars or less? how do you know how much work went into this game to say it should be 5 dollars or less?

It`s funny how the american TV Stations try to cover breasts and naked people but are fine with dying blood covered people :) awesome. Dying is fine, beautiful women are EVIIIIIIIIIL.

@excaliburps: They didn`t use "The Hoff" for this because nobody in Germany cares about "the Hoff". And most germans also have enough of this stupid american thinking that "the Hoff" is soooo popular in germany and that the germans think he torn down the berlin wall by himself to save them. People like him for his

@ARYXANDRE: There is no F1 in this game . Codemasters are making a f1 game. So no F1 in other games! Sony had the rights 2 years ago and they wanted to put F1 in. Well now its to late!

Yes to Brandon Routh. he HAS TO BE Superman again!

@namanintx: It is the final Season..........

Europe is paying for america....Microsoft .... FUCK YOU!!!!