
Star Wars is too Disney for me…. All the Puppets and stuff….. But I sometimes Do have a Problem with Star Treks Ships looking like Luxury Liners….. I prefer a Late 21st early 22nd Century Feel…. I like Buttons and Knobs and Cramped Quarters and Tech I can see the Beginnings of Today…

One scene I love in JJ Abrahms Star Trek is the Scene were the Kelvin is being Attacked and some poor girl trying to get to her Battle Station and is screaming because she knows she is about to be sucked out into space because of a Hull breach…..

Me too…. Why not just call the Shuttle over and drop a shield or just beam the whole dang Buggy into the landing bay at the first sign of trouble??
read my post below I would be Interested in your Thoughts….

I guess my point is that I like Sci- Fi Ship technology based on the Science I know now and advancements I can perceive in the Near Future….

I was never Big on Star Trek ships….. The Ships and the Science was Too far out….. Good shows though but I prefer Ships with a more Late 21st to Early 22nd Century feel…