
He could also upgrade their disguises because Jesu Cristo, those get ups make me sad.

The villains in Supergirl need a Cisco.

This is my biggest problem with this whole thing. Zach Snyder talks about wanting to present Superman in a real world sense, then chooses the most unrealistic story to tell. So Batman has a chance against the Superman who would snap Zod's neck? This movie should be two minutes long. Superman chucking Batman and his

I think it has the best cast on the CW.

Yeah but I think that it's a problem if you're policing diversity to ignore reality to fit your narrative. And I get the impression that this particular critic only sees obvious difference as diversity, which is insulting as well.

Also, this actress was fun. So many shows I love with a procedural element have problems with one off casting.

There are certain critics who are so concerned with this they ignore actual people of colour. I saw a critic on twitter talking about FX's Legion show casting Dan Stevens, Jean Smart and Aubrey Plaza and saying she hopes they cast a person of colour. And, Aubrey Plaza is a Latina? This woman does this so much that she

I want to go to there.

I know that can't happen but for a episode or two? Would be grand.

Not even a little bit.

That would be fine if we haven't seen other speedstrers before. It makes more sense that the flash wanted to steal chump change all of a sudden than just another speedster?

I can't imagine why but if that's the case,most of the dramadies about LA and NY fit the bill. Also, a bunch of network sitcoms fit. Girls is not that noteworthy to me.

I see. I found Kingpin less appealing than most, so that also might have affected my perspective as well. Something about Vincent D'Onofrio's cadence drove me mad. But that's a tick I have and I know it's not always rational.

Modern Family and The Big Bang Theory have people of colour in their main casts. Are we not counting Gloria and Mannie or Raj?

Can I ask something about Fisk? I'm from a country where Christian doctrine is taught at almost every level pf school until university. So I wanted to know. How much of the Good Samaritan story did you know before that speech? I've known that story inside out since I was about four years old. I'm wondering if someone

Yeah, Europe isn't in this hemisphere. And I know the US is safer. Can't exactly pick the US for a show called Beyond Borders. That's why I said just about. But Central America and the West Indies has some of the highest murder rates in the world. Check Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Honduras, Belize and El Salvador.

There backdoor pilot was about Barbados, right? Fun Fact: Barbados is the only country in the English speaking Caribbean that has maintained it's pre-Independence murder rate.
Care to guess what that is? About 10 murders per 100,000. Barbados has 300,000 people.
Just about the safest place in the hemisphere.

I agree with you and watching from afar, I truly hope Hillary wins the presidency. But I'm also from the developing world. Specifically Central America with a Caribbean coast. All your elections are between bad and worse for us.

Also, Paula's hair is never curled when she's at home. I've actively noticed the way Crazy Ex-Girlfriend handles it's characters hair. Very realistic. It doesn't fit this discussion at all,.

I don't think Adam was Hannah's ex at the time.