
Not sure if this was part of the original script for Patrick Bateman in American Psycho.

Yes, I understand that. I’m merely wondering if the outcry would have been the same had the leak concerned the RNC.

Agreed and OH please. Gawker medias consistent and non hypocritical position on leaking information..


So Wikileaks was cool when they’re taking down Bush and the Republicans, but when they do the same to Clinton and the Democrats they’ve hit rock bottom?

Get hit by a bus.

Jesus Christ, people are still bitching about Idiocracy. Meanwhile, I’m sitting here waiting for the Gawkerverse to acknowledge the deaths of at least 85 Syrian civilians by drone strike. There couldn’t be any better illustration of why Judge’s “fuck ‘em all” philosophy is kind of necessary right now.

“No one is impressed by your dumb choreographed videos, OK Go.”

White privilege

Good thing he’s dead so we can enjoy his music again.

This dirt bag needs a brain bleach chaser:

If she really is incapable at 30 of understanding cause and effect, she should be in a closely supervised group home. How is she capable of caring for a child if she doesn’t know that a baby gets hungry and that is why it is crying?

Maggot brain? Why would you say such a nasty thing? Especially when the general reaction to this is to be more loving to each other. Not to mention, this is a very bizarre thing for you to stand up for. It’s contradictory to say she didn’t understand what he was doing but also that she asked him not to do it. Instead

She may or may not be, but I don’t think that the opinion of a woman who taught her 20 years ago or the opinions of her family, none of whom as far as we know are medical professionals and have every reason to protect her (although I’m pretty doubtful of their judgement since they let her marry this dude in the first

‘in middle school’

Sorry dear, if she indeed “pleaded with him” not to go through with the shooting, that has nothing to do with cause and effect. That means she knew he was planning to do something and that it was something he shouldn’t do. So unless part of her learning disability involves sudden amnesia, I don’t buy it.

Bullshit, I could punt that kid at least 15, maybe 20 yards.

I wouldn’t start any long books

About 2 years.