
Not everyones’ body chemistry reacts well, no matter the strain/delivery method.

Hmm, I guess I don’t see it that way. See her comparison as lining up weed along the likes of light gambling or some such- not ideal, but we all have something. And yes, some of us have a lot worse.

I believe that’s the point she was trying to make?

Sounds like I struck a nerve, which is amusing considering I don’t read Breitbart. By all means, continue employing the standard tactic of the Gawker commenters...shutting down any conversation, when you have no valid country point.

I guess Gawker-esque writing is more your speed, seeing that you prefer articles with no substance and click bait headlines. Despite your assertion that this is a climate change policy article or an opinion piece, it isn’t, it’s pure slop.

This dude has to go back to his regular life, and now he’s going to have a website that pops up under his name FOREVER that talks about how fucking stupid he is for not meeting Gizmodo’s stringent debate-question-phrasing-requirements. That’s pretty Gawker-esque.

This isn’t an article about climate change policy. This is a thinly veiled hit piece that the author slopped together, because they are upset Trump wasn’t thrown a “gotcha” question from the progressive media, with which to make a fool of himself.

100 bucks says if Gawker still exists, this article would never have been posted here. Which means it still doesn’t belong here.

Meh. At least it’s related to science.


The climate change bit isn’t the problem. It’s the dumb personal attack headline. That’s old school Gawker crap these sites don’t need.

Eh, I think the OP’s comment was less about the subject of the post and more about the “oh, here’s something the internet likes, let’s take a hot wet dump all over it” attitude that became so familiar over on Gawker.

You’re funny.

Hi wife and daughter think he’s good. So suck it.

Hello Gawker my old friend.

“rich”? You can golf at a muni for like 15 bucks. That’s a pretty low cost as far as several hours of entertainment goes.

It’s OK for other people to enjoy things, ya know. As far as the evils of the world go, golf is pretty low-tier. You should try it sometime - its actually a blast.

Giving in to and coddling people who can’t handle day to day life is not “progress.”

It’s now boorish to refer to a pop culture reference?