
In all of the love for the Portland mom’s, please remember Teal and Princess. Teal is a 21 year old black mother who is out there keeping the focus and leading chants. Princess is the young queer / femme who keeps the mood light and the energy positive. The two of them have been the voice and face of this thing, even

I’m getting more of a push-her-down-the-stairs-and-hope-for-the-best vibe from him.

Poop, ad wall. I wanted to see the doggie.

I hesitate to answer because I don’t want to start an argument. Obviously I can’t PROVE anything. However, if you look at the photos and the various witness accounts, it could not have happened the way they said it did, nor does it appear that the hapless Mr. Oswald had anything to do with the shooting.

Thanks guys! I’ve never read Captain Awkward, will have to check her out. Agreed, instead of ending contact I probably just need to find something that takes the focus off of these interactions so they don’t frustrate me as much.

I second Ishbushka’s suggestion about Captain Awkward; hell, you could write in yourself! If she doesn’t have any advice in her archives then maybe she needs to see your letter.

Those of you who were here from the fall of 2018 to the spring of 2020 may recall that I was seeking advice about trying for a job at the Cleveland Clinic, basically my dream employer. I applied for two positions and each time made it to a second interview, but was not hired for either.

I believe it. My grandmother was a serious canner, the legacy of having kids in the depression and being really poor before the depression. She canned everything, and took the fruit that neighbours didn’t want and canned it too. Hot, miserable work, but people ate all damn year because of it.

Thanks for an important remembrance, Harron!

Did you ever do parades? Every parade my high school band marched in we were placed right after the horses.

Would my breakfast reviewer eat this and enjoy it?

I’d like to offer half a vote for RTJ.

It took me far too long to realize I shouldn’t be wonder what its attitude toward victims without decals was.

I feel for him, but I also hope that they do get divorced. It’s hard to see a way forward for them. Also, Kris is blatantly controlling. It just feeds his paranoia because some of his criticism is justified! Get out of this mess, both of you. 

“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they accidentally could they didn’t stop to think if they accidentally should!”


Ya know, if he didn’t rage about it to the point of it getting into the news, I wouldn’t have known about it. So thanks for Streisand Effecting this into the light, oh Orange Light of Reality Showness, so that we can appreciate these folks and their courage.

“Why is Batman fighting Superman?”