More like feliz ano nuevo!
More like feliz ano nuevo!
My guess was “Ted Cruz.”
casting a short,curvy, dark woman as Princess Diana would’ve been an interesting choice.
I hope they will grow old without loved ones, withering away in the dark corridors of a third rate convalescent home.
I dunno. Just feels like having CNN on.
Not outdoors, but I did give a BJ in the stairway up to the DJ booth in a bar back in college. Very unlike me but I was totally into that guy at the time.
I have two, more than 20 years apart...
Waffle House.
Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Every single time.
Girlfriend and I were in our teens, usually used my car for fun. There was an event, a wake for her deceased grandfather. While alone in the living room, on the couch, she needed consoling, and she started making out. She wanted me to manually stimulate her down her pants from behind. Sure, i can do that, I’m a…
If you have to base your personality on a fictional movie character, then you didn't have a personality to begin with. That's so pathetic you couldn't figure out how to exist in the world on your own.
“Med school cadaver” is the best description of his appearance I’ve ever seen.
I got nothing, but I did just blaze up in the parking lot of the Comfort Inn.
Who owns Teen Vogue?
The She’s doing just fine link is broken in there. I think that could be considered irony.
I’ve been in some relationships where the guys seem open-minded at first and willing to really hear and learn about sexism/racism/etc, but it turns out to be a limited time thing. Like after awhile they revert back to their original belief systems and become resentful of having to care about injustice.
I’ve ended at…
Jennifer Garner seems genuinely delightful and I honestly wish her all the happiness in the world.
It’s crazy how crime spikes when a society is in major upheaval and the government is run by criminals.
Fun fact: Rock of Love and Below Deck were both created by Mark Cronin, the older brother of a good college friend of mine. His degree in chemical engineering was not wasted.