We told him to take nice pictures.
We told him to take nice pictures.
Blunt end small scissors are great for cutting hair out of your pets eyes, too.
I’m willing to bet Kanye doesn’t even know the date either.
Kanye’s mom’s death? Jesus you’re really reaching now. Do you really think Swift did any research into the specific day? This is all label driven.
I’m sure those car owners were All Shook Up over that.
I put the following as my out of office reply a few times. I have replies from folks who loved it. I can’t take full credit, I found a similar one on a website years ago, but I modified it slightly.
Username checks out.
Fun story, this ticket was sold like a town away from me, in Chicopee MA.
And you’ll still have $755 million left for flight training, maintenance and fuel.
As a northeastern native, I endorse this statement. Except when I have to see family in Texas and they drive to Houston from Dallas.
Honest mistake. I mean, Dallas is right beside Houston, right? /s
Shit happens.
I see you shiver with antici
Why do I need to move? I’m very happy in my little corner of NJ :)
thats a very muddy stuffed Charmander
Mazda Protege5. Room enough for activities, cheap, reliable, manual, wagon! Also Mazda so it will be fun to drive. See also BG Protege/323 from 90-94.
Single lady here, doing the dating app thing, and yes, just own it! I guess I kind of understand the fixation around men’s hair, but I know plenty of guys who look great rocking no hair and I can’t imagine them with it.
As someone who lost their hair in their mid-20s, you’re better off just owning it. Confidence. Women love confidence. Growing up I would look at people with comb-overs and whatever else to hide their baldness, and would tell myself, “If that ever happened to me I would shave my head immediately.” Of course the cruel…
the secret to cutting in line is to be a really pretty girl, find the nerdiest dude near the front, and then just walk up smiling, and say “thanks for waiting for me!” and then just have a normal conversation.
It works on me every time.