
Yeah. I don’t know.

It’s Pinterest city.

Been there and it changed my life. Also, because it was terrible and I only realized that after the fact.

Waiting for the next Buc-ees.


Damn. I thought it was Redbull.

$8027? NP.

Came for this. Thank you.

“ prevent marring the car.”

I may have my wife pick up some beer on the way home as well! And share this blog, of course.

Same here. First is coming at the turn of August. Wish me luck, and good luck to you :)

This comment is why I love Jalopnik.

Ha. My mistake.

That’s funny because this is the exact photo used.

If you look closely you can still see the red reflection where the needle used to be at the 0 RPM mark.

This is the exact picture they used!

You need more stars.

Since the speedo shows km/h I assume this is not in the US. Therefore the time being 3:26 makes me believe it’s 3:26AM. It’s too bright outside! Or the clock is set wrong.

5 Things parents hate! Click here!

True on all parts.