
I'm so glad it's Friday.

If I don't see content like this on Fridays I will start to worry.

I'll have what you're having.

You don't see trailers like this anymore. Most basically show the entire movie in a minute and a half. This was excellent.

I don't disagree with you.

Lancer Evo and specifically 9. I haven't seen a stock one yet.

At least check out his latest While (1<2). I wouldn't call it EDM.. save for a couple tracks.. it's deep and dark. I feel he poured a lot of emotion into this one. Completely different from anything he's made. I could speculate it came from his break up with Kat Von D.

I spent a week in Tirana in August and I was surprised how many Mercedes there were. Had a great time though! I saw some other neat cars too, like a Citroen DS4 and others I don't see in the states. The ride down to Elbasan wasn't bad, but they did say we took the new road.. If we had taken the old road, I'd have lost

I won't comment on the comment section as I have IE9 and it's probably the reason they're so terrible. But, I like the change. It seems to respond quicker and the clicking targets are easier to hit.

I'll add that the Acura MDX is a contender.

We need tires for tomorrow!

Seeing more of her would be equally joyful.

Love the proportions of the greenhouse!

The Smart clear stop moving forward well before the S-Class. Passengers in the Smart will been subjected to greater deceleration forces.

enhanced photos.

camera operator can't pan quick enough either.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who tells people they need tires. I always seem to look at tires in parking lots.

Via some convoluted trail of Google image-searching, I happened to notice a picture of the rear of a Beetle that stayed my gaze like a condom full of chili flung into the front of a freight train. Something didn't look quite right. Most people likely wouldn't have noticed anything odd, but a lifetime of scrutinizing

I do know the San Antonio plant is hiring!

Imported, of course. Probably aged for 50 years in casks of unicorn leather.