
My impression was that the hashtag isn't for educating black people about how nice the cops are to white people, but educating fellow white people on their own hypocrisy. It's a lot harder to say that these murdered black men were thugs and criminals who "got what they deserved" when white people admit to the same

I want to fire tiny lasers OUT of my vagina. When you can swing that, give me a call.

This side eye is everything I could ever need in my life.

Not a bad apology, to be honest.

"Everyone hates us and we're finding it impossible to change our narrative! What should we do?"
"There's some straws! Get 'em!"

Garth is a legend. He's been a prominent supporter of gay rights (his sister is a lesbian) in the front of some pretty hideous criticism from country fans. Songs like 'We shall be free' (also shared here) show that he's one of those Christians who think the love one another stuff is more important than the eye for an

See, I guess I know lots of country music fans, and the ones of roughly my age (I was a tween when he became popular) and older are actually kind of aware of all this, at least in a vague way. The ones who don't care for his politics just ignore them because, well, as you said: he's an amazing singer.

No, you can only like one Deschanel and I picked Emily. I do not watch New Girl.

I just listened to the tape again and the rapist said "She was asleep. She was like, incoherent, like, you could not talk to her at all." After talking about how she didn't want to sleep with him. So according to the rapist's own account, she made clear that she did not consent, before passing out, at which point he

"We do not know who will be in charge of tomorrow's event," he wrote. "While we first believed this would be a student-led and organized demonstration, we are far less certain of that now. As of the writing of this letter, close to 1,000 people have RSVP'ed on social media that they will be attending."

Doesn't that assume there is joy in Fantasy Football to begin with?

He is a truly offensive linemen.

#NotAllFerrets, okay?

(Gronkowski shouldn't have been in the game that late anyway, but he's not going to be mad at his own coaches.)

You seem pretty invested in this. I feel bad for you.

Every other NFL player is more unlikeable than Rob "Yo Soy Fiesta" Gronkowski. If you disagree, you are a miserable human being with no inner sense of joy and wonder.

That's all I ask. For the truth, see these 14, hour-long videos about why the SJWs are planning to kill all men.

On TIME she goes with, "In addition to writing features for TIME and, she pens a weekly column on language called Wednesday Words and organizes the occasional spelling bee. Her beat is wide but it thumps hardest in the Northwest."

Voice of dissent: I'm okay with a comedian posting her ass online. Mooning people is basic comedy. It's not high brow comedy, but that's neither here or there. Moreover, it's a good looking ass. Moreover over, it's not a surgery-enhanced ass. Moreover over over, it's a response to the Kardashian ass, and the message