
It's not complaining. It's criticism. Because she's a critic. Not a game developer. Which is why she isn't making games. This isn't rocket science.

Hold it right there!

The thing is though, that's still valid as a criticism. Pointing out the use of a trope doesn't say anything about the rest of the game or media work, it just points out the use of a trope. She's not out to review entire games, she's just pointing out examples of a trope in a game.

It's not about glorification, exactly. And I understand the argument about villains being bad guys, and all that. But...

Well, when you see writers using the victimization of helpless women (often sexually, but sometimes through non-sexual violence) over and over and over again as a shortcut to signify villainy, it

Ah, but see, it's not simply about the fact that women are killed. It's the fact that those women are used as, essentially, props. Worse yet, they're usually sexualized props, adding a weird sexual angle to the violence committed against them. Often, it's a "kick the dog" moment, where an agency-free female character


Oh God...This story brings SO many memories. Here it goes:

Normally, I would agree with you. I'm a Bears fan, Houston FINALLY does something! and it is utterly useless, and he celebrates like he did something important. Just last week he was quoted as saying he came to the bears because he was tired of losing with the Raiders. He has bashed fans for being dissatisfied with

The problen is, yes, they are saying we are all this bad. They have been from the start. Thats what caused gamergate.

There was a simmering anger about people like me — "Social Justice Warriors", as they call us — who are asking for change in the game industry: a better, broader representation of characters, among other things. We're "the cancer that's killing games", and Kotaku is seen as the key enemy site, with Polygon a close

And that's why people continue to dwell on Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian and Brianna Wu? None of the Gamergate stuff has remotely been about how AAA publishers interact with media outlets. The ethics claim is a fig leaf for 'aggrieved' gamers having an existential crisis.

"I mean this isn't going to hit the NYTimes because high-roller game development companies give perks and freebies to game writers."

How many teams have sucked elephant dong because they were coached by men who aired players' dirty laundry in an effort to curry favor with the press and not have them focus on the team's dong-sucking? The team was 2-2(!!!!) and local writers were writing his coaching obituary. They are waiting for the team to fail,

Now playing

I'm partial to "Goddamnit, Donald!" myself.

Have you tried it, tho? It makes for a good poop experience.

You're a bit backwards, here. GG was created specifically *for* harassing women - at the time, it was specifically Zoe Quinn, although it quickly spread to 'everyone who GG sees as a "SJW" scumbag'. It was only later that others began to claim, "Nuuu, it's about game journalism! It's totally a righteous cause!" even

Breitbart is dead. The organisation still carries his name. The writer they are standing behind is Milo Yiannopoulos, infamous for situations such as this:… He's also infamous for being a revolting misogynist, which I think keys more into his interest in the Sarkeesian/Quinn

You mean the people who have spent the last month calling Zoe Quinn a whore and making death threats against her have been accused of attacking women? Why, that's just absurd!

It's incredible that you've pointed out the ethical concerns in video games reportage without actively trolling a woman. And they said it couldn't be done.