
If Microsoft's Windows 7 phone doesn't live up to expectations this holiday season then I'm definately picking up one of these!

Computer Choppers is the same company that will gold plate a MacBook Pro for only $8,999.

Honestly, this headache is what you guys deserve for trying to be part of the "me first! me first!" crowd.

@McMike: At first I really thought that bike said "Butch". Would have fit, too.

@Sharlene King: That's the point. People like this are the reason that IT and tech support have jobs. It's akin to censorship to say people with no technical know-how should stay off the internet. It's just like saying people who don't know jack about car repairs shouldn't drive. Since these support people have jobs

Sorry, but that tech support guy was an ass. He wasn't helpful at all and his lack of customer empathy is grossly apparent. Granted this lady isn't technically savvy, but I think this article saying old people shouldn't use tech is a bit of stereotypical nonsense remniscent of the 1980's. You can't judge all old