Hey guys... he teaches law. We should listen to him on how to be a street cop.
Those who can’t do... teach
Hey guys... he teaches law. We should listen to him on how to be a street cop.
Those who can’t do... teach
I have the say that if I needed to replace my phone right now these are the two phones I would consider, so knowing if the Pixel is worth twice as much as a 6p is good info.
Someone’s watching too much Initial D and has gone full “God Hand”
At $60k you are critically invested in keeping this turd going and that just isn’t going to happen for very much longer without a climate controlled storage facility and a dedicated mechanic. I would drive it until it breaks then replace that motor with a Ford 460 with a Weilend and carbs sticking out of a hole in…
Can I afford an F250 XLT 4x4 as my next truck?
Offer a loud turbos option and I’m in.
Please press charges.