
I think calling them - okay, us - out is one solid thing to do. If I'm more interested in doing the things that make me actually supportive (or at least make me as small a barrier as possible) then I'll be willing to get over my own little pity-party, think about it, and change my behaviour. If I'm more interested

just do it... it's worth it :) obviously

It's true that, romantically, things get bumpy for the Sons at various points. Still, the one relationship that emerges from the finale intact is by far their best one.

i wrote this post at 9 am while eating yogurt and have barely recovered

I never knew lap dances were misandry. Is this a trick that PUAs have devised to get women to give them lap dances? I smell a rat.

"Moaam! Stop it already! You're embarrassing us in front of the TV guys!"

As a Southern raised person, I applaud the use of this phrase in this moment. Very nicely done.

I'm sad I'm at work and can't watch this!

Exactly. "I will not HAVE the Junior League thinking I condone these boys yellin' at each other on the TV. I will not have it."

"What was it like, raising these two?"
"It has not been easy." and then later, "I know we have to take responsibility for them."


She's so embarrassed by those two. That's the glorious part of all this. You can just picture her sitting there watching this, afraid the neighbors are all seeing her children duke

I remember years ago, a woman called into the C-SPAN morning show because she wanted to talk about conditions for injured soldiers at Walter Reed and how she was in Washington and had gone in to see them and was appalled at the state of the hospital. The host asked her some more questions and deduced (correctly) that

Yup. Dude thought he was untouchable. And ya know, he was. Is! He's still walking free, he's still got half a billion in the bank and has the Whoopi Goldbergs of the world openly maligning his victims.

Why lay low when you have been getting away with it for 20 or 30 years. At some point, you have to assume you are bulletproof.


This body shit with ScarJo annoys me (and I don't even like her). The beautiful people cannot seem to win with this shit. I would say that many of the most beautiful people I know are the one with the worst insecurities. Also why the fuck is BW even asking that. I HAVE FEELINGS.

The fun part is people that are excited to receive this box of poop, and also those that have opened their holiday package they bought and were absolutely delighted to get random junk and stickers of words like "Shit" "Fuck" and "Dick".

I guess if they are happy with their purchases, rock on.

Just seems to me to be a

This is why I never do diet challenges with my partner, only fitness challenges. Like last August we started a 30 day regimen to double the amount of push-ups we could each do within a minute. At the end of the month it came time to test our results: he proudly dropped down and banged out 60 push-ups in a minute,

Or could it be, as this paper suggests, that as one partner becomes successful the other loses confidence?

I think it's a bit of misophonia aka soft sound sensitivity.

I feel like I have whatever the opposite of ASMR is, because this puts me ON EDGE. When I hear shit like this it is insta-rage. I can't get away from these nosies fast enough, and also, if I see someone doing something that I know is making that noise, I can not even look at them because I am just imagining the sound.