In our recent local election we actually elected a batshit crazy lunatic because someone on her team was smart enough to assign the job of standing next to her at all interviews/public appearances/etc. and grabbing her arm when they could tell she was about to say something insane/offensive/stupid. It worked, but when…
Me, too, but "I Want to Hold Your Hand" is pretty much the poster child for getting a phrase and repeating it.
"The morning sun is rising like a red rubber ball." Actual lyric, from actual song written by Simon and Garfunkel and performed by someone else in 1966.
True confession: I have never been able to listen to Animals all the way through. That first line and his voice cause me to reach for the radio dial as quickly as possible. So all I really know is that line where he falsettos about preying on her tonight, and that is enough to tell me that it is the WORST song.
I knew that one had to be true. Because I CAN imagine that. With no trouble.
It disturbs me how many of these I got right.
For me, I seem to need shirts that are weirdly small and pants that are larger than what I usually wear so that it would appear my shape is oddly out of proportion.
We don't have an actual store here, so imagine my surprise on ordering something online and realizing that I needed to go up 11 sizes from my usual size. But then the next time I planned to just order that size and I needed something halfway between. It's insane.
Because I am awesome at recognizing the real point of articles: Dude, seriously what is with those sizes at H & M? They are about to give me a complex.
I will admit right now that I have responded maybe in the past. I generally only do it if it's a close friend and I plan to be there, but there is a small possibility that something unavoidable will interfere (i.e., work, illness, etc) and I don't want to feel guilty about the money they spent. And I will generally…
I feel like it's just vague enough they're hoping you will forget the part where they told him he had to use it as punishment for 2 weeks and believe that he brought it on his own. Like his mom let him just substitute a pool noodle for a cane and this is totally not the fault of whatever moron thought this up in the…
Could totally have happened to anyone.
That Facebook post makes it sound like they really, really want you to believe that he was accidentally given a pool noodle in place of a cane. Like it's just one of those wacky things that happens. This is some bullshit.
I am not a Jessica Simpson fan, but for fuck's sake. The woman cannot win this weight game. In fact, I'm beginning to think this whole weight game is rigged (sarcasm. I'm totally already aware it's rigged; I just think she's a particularly dramatic example).
In a weird aside, sometimes when I would like to suggest to my husband that we should be sexing, I look at him and say that line of Kenneth's from 30 Rock. I do not want to think that Santorum and I have that in common, so I'm going to vote that he's into the super freaky shit. It seems like the most uptight ones are…
Heck, they're not even sure where they are on a lot of issues.
It sounds like if I'd been able to watch the video I wouldn't have had questions. Apparently it's fairly clear that she's just a moron who thought something would look cool and is lucky she wasn't injured any worse than she was.
I didn't watch the video since I'm at work; that would have probably cleared up all my questions. Never mind.