The scarf captured my heart also. I really hope they have a pizza scented body spray (non-toxic organic, of course) I can accessorize it with.
The scarf captured my heart also. I really hope they have a pizza scented body spray (non-toxic organic, of course) I can accessorize it with.
It is awful. I had to tell my sister on the phone our only other sister died of an aneurysm at 40. She was at work at collapsed into sobs, thank god for her secretary. It is one phone call I will never forget :-(
They are stealing crap that is meaningless to them in order to get delicious food. Circle the monkey in this equation.
I agree-Bill is an asshole who has arrogant douchebag oozing out of pores, but I like & agree with him more often than I’ll admit, and he doesn’t give a fuck about filtering what he says. Us liberals don’t have very many Bill O’Reilly/Rush Limbaugh equivalents to lather us up in inappropriate ways, so I’ll take what I…
THIS! She is a horrible person and I can’t believe any sane person, any sane woman would give her a pass just because she is occasionally less of an asshole than the stable of racist buffoons at Fox News. She has the chops to be on the level of a Rachel Maddow if she wanted to be, and use her talents to promote…
Reminds of racists who somehow end up with a genuine black friend, who is one of the “good ones”. See, I’m not a racist, I have a black friend. But fuck all those welfare queens and thugs (see George Zimmerman).
Thanks for the link-that makes the story even better. You can’t make this shit up. The Twitter responses are hysterical (“How about some gay Doritos”).
We are peaceful people.
Thank you for this helpful insight. I just read an article about migrants who are returning to the Middle East from countries like Sweden & Norway because life has been so miserable for them over the past 1-2 years and they feel like society outcasts and miss their customs & culture. As the child of an immigrant (from…
I’ve been so impressed with what the Greeks have done throughout this entire crisis, despite all of the hardships in their own country over the past several years. The many day to day kindnesses don’t get the press that the handful of hateful “nazis” (which exist in every country) do. They have been the front line in…
He strikes me as a lay on his back, woman-on-top-doing-all-of-the-work-type (while he’s watching Fox news)
I hope they do it as well as the Big Lebowksi bar in Reykjavik. I visited there in November, was expecting Disney-esque manufactured kitsch and instead it was authentically dive bar cool. A lot of the locals hang out there, and their White Russians (coming from someone who hates sweet drinks) were sublime. So many…
Your comments show up as black to me-weird. This whole new Kinja system is so confusing.
I have only watched bits and pieces of The Voice, and got a whole “awe shucks” country dude persona, not too wide or deep. But we can probably guess there’s an ocean of difference between most celebrities’ public & private personas. For all we know he could be a reader of Kafka, and she could be a flaming narcissistic…
I’ve always had a soft spot for Gwen. Cringing at her rebound choice, but she seems generally happy goofy in love and goodness knows she deserves it after putting up with that douchey asshole Gavin
I’d agree, but knowing PMK her coming out would have to be timed to maximize profit and media coverage. Everything everyone does in this dastardly clan is choreographed for the cameras.
“That smiling glib black fucker isn’t even a real ‘Murican! Goddam it keep the guberment out of my Medicare! And stay away from my mutherfuking assault guns, I need those for pro-teck-shon from the turrorists”
A full frontal assault on Scalia’s ignorance, stupidity, and hubris would be very much welcome (I know my homegirl Sonia is trying).
She looks normal! Plus, she’s married to this guy (via wikipedia): “Robert P. Koch was an aide to HouseDemocratic leader Richard Gephardt, and is a lobbyist and president of the Wine Institute”