
Also, what I find funny is that Scott Eastwood is almost good looking, so close to being his Dad but everything misses by 1/1000 os a millimeter. Eyes a shade too close together, not blue enough. Jaw a little to wide to be rugged. I’m also assuming if he’s a 29 yr old who’s friends with Brody Jenner he’s a major

Also read he slept in the same bedroom as mom while a teen (supposedly in a separate bed) because she was so dependent on him. Talk about all levels of fucked up

This is terrifying

He looks like a 40 yr old used car salesman (although the dark hair is an improvement over his native redneck special yella fuzz). Please karma, send him to jail for the duration of his probation, and let him do some dumbass thing that lands him there for life.

And a hella lot more plastic surgery—teenager+ money+ spoiled+insecure+ empty vacuous existence +plastic surgeon on speed dial is a bad combination

I was too distracted by the melting playdough face to notice the teeth. Ugh, that looks disgusting

Do Christmas margaritas count? A dollop of Chambord makes them a festive red. Viva la Christmas Eve!!!

I envy your being stuck during very long, dark winter days house with lots of drunk Icelanders. Don’t know the specifics of yogurt, cheese, whey, and curds but all I can say is skyr is fucking delicious (spit it out if it tastes that good), decadent enough to know I probably shouldn’t eat too much of it.

That was a hysterically disturbing episode—Jill’s honking voice trumpeting “HALLOO” as she strutted into the villa, what’s her face breaking out in hives...I know most reality tv is scripted tv, but their visceral reactions all seemed so authentic in that scene.

I visited Iceland recently, and my tour guide was good friends with the guy who started Siggi’s (the story I was told told is that he was studying in the U.S. and missed the skyr of his homeland, so his mom sent him an old family recipe). Skyr is rich creamy deliciousness with none of the acid.

She’s been competent in most roles, but she was great in Winter’s Bone

Was totally addicted to Clean House, she made that show (tough love, but so kind and sweet). Getting On marathon is on my holiday week-on-the-couch watchlist!

I feel like this would be brave/commendable if they didn’t photoshop the dickens out of the pics. I was standing in line behind Pamela recently at the Ralph’s in Malibu, and she was looking rough. Show us all of her in her real 48 yr old naked glory and I’ll buy the issue.

Heather has crazier crazy eyes than Vicki does, which has to be terrifying. I want Heather to be my group leader when the zombie apocalypse comes.

I don’t think separate bedrooms are all that uncommon in long term relationships. Mr. Blackberrypie needs a warm room & the tv on in order to fall asleep, I need total silence and ice cold. We visit each other for sexy time, but after 11 years I’m totally cool with separate rooms. Aside from that. Shannon is batshit

I agree, I loved Glenn and it was horrifying to see him get eaten, but if they didn’t really kill him off that would just suck.

I love Team America solely for how I now pronounce Meeeyyyytttt Deyyyyymmmonn every time I see it in print or film (and the shitting sex scene, that was awesome)

It would be better if it was Musty Meadow. But it beats my honorable mention, Killer Monroe (first family pet was a Doberman)

As an African American woman of Latino heritage it is so hard for me to comment on things like this because I’m trying hard to understand the obvious misogyny endemic to Islam, Christianity, and Judaism as those religions are currently practiced in most of the world. Fuck religion. In the past two years I’ve travelled

She’s gorgeous for a 45 year old. So sad she’s not even 20—that face & body are damn hard