Seriously-? Kylie dresses like a portapotty on the dirty-i feel so sorry for her that she has no other measure of self worth
Seriously-? Kylie dresses like a portapotty on the dirty-i feel so sorry for her that she has no other measure of self worth
no ho ho-dressing your age is exactly what we should all be doing (it’s fine to redefine what that might look like) but Kylie Jenner as a 17 yr. old looking like a 40 yr. ol plastic surgery-ized fembot, as opposed to Malia’s fresh faced 17 yr old was definite shade and I love it (because shame on PMK Kardashian and…
made me think of this Doing the funk?
My very flat & wide, size 12W feet hiked 30 miles in Petra in one day in these:…
What is the army waiting for? Let them serve in whatever capacity they want. I feel a lot safer with them on our side.
I spend a few months in Malibu-up Yerba Buena in the mountains, and no one understands why I don’t have cell phone access at my house (I love it). The flatlanders take uninterrupted signals for granted
Better yet, a gay Mexican hair stylist
Thank you-i”m a muscular 5’9” 160-170 lbs and easily wear a U.S. 6-8 (wearing a size 6 Calvin Klein dress right now). Totally vanity sizing, my closet ranges from sizes 6-12
Well, Megyn has surprised us before by masquerading as a real journalist. Here’s hoping she decides to ask some real questions for a change.
Why the guilt? He is gorgeous, I wouldn't mind Sarandoning him for while
My man Pierce is very much in love (from all reports & appearances) with his wife of 14 years Keely Shaye Smith My kind of man
I have two of those bad boys. When I was growing up they were called "husband chairs"
KK is a vile conniving famewhore who uses others to advance her own vapid brand of talentless celebrity. You really think she gives a crap about anyone except herself, it's not like she wants to really be her friend? Bey may be a queen but she's earned a lot of that title through hard work and talent.
Thank you for noticing that too-it's been bothering me since I first saw the pic on Reddit days ago. It looks like a weird boob.
I'll give you a more proper Catholic term for it than "whore's bath". My mom used to call it the Trinity bath and she taught me how to do it when I was a young girl with circular hand motions. The "Father" (face), "Son" (crotch/ass), and the Holy (left pit) Ghost (right pit). Only need to wash hair once a week so the…
You must have looked like a swarthy native
Haha! I just went to Portugal in November, was warned about the bread, etc. Basically, refuse everything they keep bringing to your table unless you specifically ordered it, or you will be charged. But I loved Portugal, and their little snit with Spain endeared them to me even more.
I did the Master Cleanse for 30 days (I was young and stupid is my defense). I have to say, that entire month I was sleeping great and both my hair and skin were soft & shiny. When I started to feel tired I decided to end it, you're supposed to take at least a week to transition to solid food (start with juices, then…