You missed Jagex announcing the new “Jagexa”.
You missed Jagex announcing the new “Jagexa”.
This may or may not help you, depending on whether you meet the low-income requirements and whether there’s Sprint coverage in your area. But I live in a rural area as well, and I get super cheap unlimited no data-cap internet through “PCs For People”: https://www.pcsforpeople.com/recipients/low-cost-internet
Or if you…
No one seems to be aware of the fact that Jagex successfully did this years ago with RuneScape.
Blizzard basically just needs to do what they did.
Having too much trouble with Exodia Mage? Tech in a Eater of Secrets and make them sad. Or just be fast enough to kill them through their Ice Blocks before they have a chance to combo, while saving your removals for when they play doomsayer.
To reference another Blizzard game:
Exodia Mage is a lot like the Protoss from…
Scalies are just a subset of the ‘Furry Fandom,’ so they’re still Furries.
Since the Furry Fandom is about the general enjoyment of art and media containing anthropomorphic (aka. human-like) animals, it wouldn’t make much sense to split the groups up.
It’d be like having entirely different fandoms for Original…
It saddens me that Fawful is considered obscure... He does not deserve to be. He is one of Nintendo’s most entertaining and unique characters, with the most fantastic of speech patterns. This guy has almost no forgettable dialog in the entirety of all 3 games. Including the hilarious-out-of-context line: “It is I who…