
My impression is that these people were basically squatting/homeless because of extreme poverty that most people can’t relate to. People think they can, but that’s most likely the self righteousness talking. These women, children, and pets were all suffering terribly and were still trying- even in the face of what

Yes, poor people often have the nerve to have cell phones these days. Which has nothing to do with how they treated their kids.

Moving the discussion forward, talking about affirmative consent and the difference between that and what happened when he (allegedly) raped someone. The dude has done the equivalent of, “duh duh, I’m so sad, duh duh, I was acquitted, duh duh, I try and be a good man, duh duh, I’ve got females in my life who I love,

“But I believe that the film is an opportunity to inform and educate so that these situations cease to occur on college campuses, in dorm rooms, in fraternities, in apartments or anywhere else young people get together to socialize.”

The headline of this article should read: “Beyonce fan mad that Beyonce got sued”.

Everyone has biases. You date people because you have have physical biases. You sit next to people in public spaces because you have biases. Biases are not inherently bad. You’re predisposing that she is treating some of the kids worse, not differently, because of the names. While that’s an assumption that you make

kai. not brayden. kai. keep up.

You sound like your kid is named Brayden.

Oh yes. Cussing and insults. People cannot honestly discuss difficult things, and so they stay difficult. What prejudice is that? How do I fuck up kids? You literally have no idea what you are talking about.

lol, I have said absolutely nothing that every single teacher who has worked in a wide variety of schools has not said. I think people have weird concepts about what reality is like. Also, don't worry, I'm not a teacher anymore.

I saw someone named Shampayne comment on a relative’s FB page. Took me a minute to realize it was the phonetic spelling of champagne. The white trash stereotype certainly held true in this instance.

I know. It was on the tip of my tongue to ask a relative if she wanted her kid to live in a trailer park.

Thank you. Yes. This. As someone that gets called every name that is close to my name because mine is a made up fucking name. It’s lame. And changing your name is a pain and sort of a blow to your parents. It’s not a great position to put your kid in.

My Dad’s family was from the southern Midwest, and some of the folks down there were uneducated, poor and rural. A nearby family had daughters named Margarita and Dacquiri. A couple years later we visited again and their new baby was named Chablis.

The people who are railing against your honest admission are omitting the fact that every college acceptance committee and job recruiter will be doing the exact same thing, with far less inhibitions to treat everyone the same regardless of how ridiculous their name is.

Oh well. The two of you can go together down to the concern police station and file a complaint. They can fire me from my very low paying substitute teaching job and replace me with a fresh eyed non-judgmental person who has no idea about naming trends and has not been around a wide range of demographics. Then, after

But the kids are the ones who pay the price. This is why I worried about my kids’ names - people who judge them might be assholes, but they’re assholes in positions of authority. It sucks. I just reread the resume-ethnic-name study and am depressed.

When you name your kids, it’s about you for maybe 5 years. Then, for the remainder of your kid’s life, your kid Kaj is stuck with being called Guy and Sky, and having to say 4 times a day “Kaj: K as in Kangaroo, A as in Adam, J as Josh, which are all names I’d rather have.” At some point no one is going to think about

You don't need anyone's opinion to name your kid for sure. Certainly not some random person on a message board. None of that changes the fact that your kid will have to walk around in life with the name you give them, for better or for worse. And there is no reason to be insulting.