
You don’t have to, you can also stand there with your hands held in front or behind you. Gabby just can’t ever do right my Twitter, her hair isn’t right, her hands aren’t right, her skin isn’t right. She just keeps on doing her thing, winning gold.

Think of extravagant parties this way... the wealthy are always going to have money, but they can either sit on it or spend it. Would we like them to spend it in ways *we* find constructive? Sure. That’s not how the world works.

I think that sort of program is directed at anyone who has an interest in working in agriculture/land management. I don’t think it’s just for people wanting to be farmers (although there is a Young Farmers association in the UK too) but anyone interested in national parks, running estates, etc. The UK has a lot of

Like, respect, admire etc.

Must have been a Bush. Who else would invade a place with oil occupied by Iraqis?

Come on, man. Give credit to both guys. Del Potro beat Djokovic in the Olympics before, is good, and Djokovic lost recently. And he’s too good to throw one.

I know that the reaction to the first look at Superman wasn’t great, but damn if this shot doesn’t put a bloody great smile on my face:

It’s not a smile. On his world it means ‘hope’.

2016 is a fucking mess, Patricia.

I mean, I’m pretty sure I have proved you wrong, by stating that you haven’t actually seen the film.

Uh, you haven’t seen Suicide Squad yet. I would hold off of the disparaging comments until the movie actually comes out.

More like they couldn’t just keep showing him as a pair of boots. It was drawing a lot of ridicule to the show. It doesn’t mean he’s taking over, just that he doesn’t have to appear as a vague silhouette or a shadow that passes overhead anymore.


By wedging him in so tight he broke through the fabric of space-time.

I did read the article but must have missed that, Thanks for not being an asshole about it though.

The film was released in France (and then here in Canada) about 2 years ago now. I saw it a while ago. It’s fine, but definitely a bit on the boring side. It borrows ideas from both Cocteau’s and Disney’s versions, but the whole thing doesn’t really amount to anything better than its parts.

That’s not a twist. It’s a casting decision for a new character. A twist might have been recasting the old character with an African-American woman.

This would’ve been an excellent opportunity to say, you know, “Whether you’re a boy or you’re a girl, both of you, my job will be to make sure it’s equally an option for both of you.

This is adorable.

typical ambush journalism by the vile lib media smdh