Blackadder II

The whole of the English speaking world is very used to having to explain everything or dumb it down for American consumption. Australians knew Americans would be incapable of understanding what a prawn was, so adopted the Americanised "shrimp" in the commercial even though its not the term used anywhere outside of


Man oh man would Karl be pissed to hear you call one his bugbears a "right-wing talking point"…

Thanks for the figures. I learned a few things there - I'm surprised it's so high. Taking the 1 million figure, I guess that would still explain why I've never met a trans person. That's 1 per 316 people, and my circle of friends doesn't run that large.

OK I'll accept that number as accurate, but you realise that I can't possibly care about the death of just 166 people per year right?

Ah, deleted. And banned no less. Well, there's a surprise. I'll pretend this was because it was "off topic" in that I never mentioned the show.