
Honestly, after watching Stranger, which I thought was a good show, I cancelled my Netflix. Something bad about having 50% fewer titles than when I signed up, and paying $1 more a month (I was grandfathered in from the 8.99 plan, then sent an email that that was finally ending, that I would be charged more). Netflix

Actually, checked the steam store reviews of No Man’s Sky: “overwhelmingly negative”

Not sure why the author conflates the reviews to suggest that No Man’s Sky has received “mixed response” - it hasn’t. They’re negative. Call it like it is, please.

“With the mixed response to No Man’s Sky”

.... you mean “negative response”?

thats a headline for the Onion - Luke, I found your side job first ‘first comment’ on your articles (or anyone’s for that matter) and it’s still pending....

Anyhow, I send my kindest regards to Kotaku and extended Gawker writers. Really hoping Univision takes care of Kotaku and does not shut it down. This site is God.

If Gawker shuts down, is Kotaku shutting down too?????

Please don’t shut down!!!!!

I believe I owned 100 shares of THQ before it went belly-up. I still technically own those shares, but I don’t know if they are of any value now with THQ Nordic or if my equity got wiped. I really wish I knew....