Black Hole Sunlight

May they burn in the fire they voted to light.

He doesn’t drink.

My hope is that just after, President The Donald with the help of Ryan eliminates the minimum wage, all of the Coal Miners in Kentucky are offered their jobs back at 2.00 a day, because “Well, it’s the only way we can compete with African Workers, take it or leave it”

I think Melania’s look is more, “hahahahaha, fucker. Let’s see you weasel out of this.” Every time he gets called into a meeting when he wants to “barbecue” (tm West Wing) she is going to pull that smirk and tell him to have fun.

I’ve always thought this. One reason why I didn’t think he could win but he’s too much of a narcissist to back down. What a mess.

I do not frequent Politico, but it doesn’t surprise me in the slightest that there would already be infighting. There’s a whole lot of middle-american yokels who have managed to convince themselves that Trump shares their “values”. Any of them with any semblance of rational thought will not have a long honeymoon

I really hope he appoints someone pro choice to the supreme court, both because it’s the right thing to do, and because I would love to have the goat-fucking evangelicals that voted for him have to try and square that away in their minds.

you got that exactly right. He wanted to win the popularity contest and he was willing to say and do whatever it would take to win, but he never planned to show up for work after. I won’t be surprised when he quits after nine months with the excuse that his business needs him because his kids are losing billions of

My theory is that he genuinely believed it would be like The Producers. He’d put on the worst presidential run in history, take in millions in campaign donations, fail publicly and spectacularly, and then quietly pocket the money. Now he’s like, “How could this happen? I was so careful. I picked the wrong platform,

You don’t give a shit, yet you set up a burner and then wrote 300 words more than necessary to express your opinion on the article you don’t care about.

There’s always the unfair media and the paid protesters who are, presumably, losers and haters, to rally against!

Sure, he can have as many rallies as he wants, but eventually people get sick of that and want to see the goods. When you tell the world you’re literally the only person who can fix the country and then the policies you pass don’t immediately fix all the problems (which obviously they won’t) or, in the case of what he

I said this to my husband. She’s 46. She’s a little long in the tooth for old orangey. The sheer shadenfreude of a sitting president going through a nasty divorce and cheating scandal will be fun. Maybe it’ll get his ass impeached a la Bill. But he won’t be nearly as smooth in those hearings.

Doesn’t change the fact that a large part of the job is reading reports, and sitting in meetings while people explain stuff for him to decide on. From his debate prep it became clear he doesn’t have the attention span for that. People who worked for him have said he frequently changes his mind about things and

So, did they model that character who yells, “Hello, everybody!” when she walks into a room on Two Broke Girls after Melania? Because that actress has the whole tight-lipped, unemotional face nailed.

Sorry, no.

Also, Melania’s eyes have murder in them. She is PISSED.

Thanks for this.

Trump is totally jealous of Paul Ryan’s man hands.

My god, he’s fucking old. Hard to believe that these are the presidential ‘before’ shots, or imagine what a kind of withered blob he’s going to end up in 4 years.