
Ok, I see your point, though I still think the use of dumbed-down language is excessive. I also use capital letters to emphasize some points, but look around and you'll see examples of things like "OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING I FEEL ALL THE FEELS YOU WIN THE INTERNET,"

Yeah, it can be fun. I'm not totally innocent of saying something like that ever. But when much of the comment thread says nothing except vapid parroting of words that vaguely point to a very regular emotion, it's blisteringly annoying. It's like a nightmare where a bunch of mall girls multiply and keep repeating

Thanks for coming here only to prove my point—"THIS,"

You think the boundless intellectual, Katy Perry, was actually referencing Sara Baartman?

Hm, no offense to you personally because I like your contributions, and yes kinda out of nowhere, but I was prompted to say this.

I really wanted one for my snaggly canine, but then realized that would actually involve drilling a hole into my (never cavitied) tooth, so I said fuck that. I just thought it could be stuck on like brace anchors...

Jesus, that still is terrifying. I was instantly scared of Jimmy's greased up UFC look and then felt almost instant relief when I realized it couldn't be him.

Or the "long ass" pants that AA makes, ugh. Wait— is that some sort of sexy nonchalant nurse outfit?

That's right, girl.

Grrrrl, you doubled up? Smarter than me—I stretched them so taut just to get the hair pulled real tight, that the fabric ended up all flat and decidedly NOT scrunchy. Which was the actual point, by the way. It could be a metaphor for many things in my life.

I still dig it! I think most of these celebrities all look really boring and the same. Shit, even this dress isn't anything that risky or out there, but it's something different.

I think I made the same face as her upon laying eyes on her. Girrrrrrrrrrrrlllllll...

I actually like it! I must be in the minority. I just like the eccentric boho elderly mob wife thing.

The basement makes people do strange things.

Ok but how about the clear bra straps?

Hm, I dunno. I live in Northern Europe now and I've seen neon leather jackets and well, for the platforms you can look to Robyn for an example. Seen them out and about as well. But to your point I might actually classify that under the "rave" or club/party kid look.

I noticed a few years ago American Apparel was trying to bring the scrunchie back. Probably because they hate us, I dunno. Whatever, I don't care, I wore them back in the day so why wouldn't I wear them now? I guess I just need a few more years to be de-sensitized, kinda like how bros were with skinny jeans.

Ha! I've also danced with Ghostface on stage. Then his people ushered all theee ladiessss backstage and I sat next to him while he acted like an asshole to the fans that were LOSING THEIR SHIT being near him. I still love him though. He was nice to me.

That's super bitchy, but the Wu-Tang comparison was gold and if I was the girl I'd be laughing my ass off at that one.

As anyone who has ever read my comments would know, I can't STAND Beyoncé. She's always annoyed the shit out of me and I've always been suspicious of "little miss perfects", even in her days with DC—but I loved the group and their songs!