
Turnout is way down from ‘08. The base is not turning out for her. And way to discount all the people of color who’ve voted for Bernie as well. Typical that many (not all but many) of her supporters like you have been race-baiting since Shillary herself perfected modern-day racist dog whistles, first with her comments

Actually celebs have sent in big money and he’s returned it.

You’ve met most bernie supports? Also, there is no way hillary is not getting the nomination. Will she win the general election, who knows. Hillary needs the democratic base behind her and independents. She needs bernie voters and her supporters acting like all bernie supporters are stupid is only going to hurt

That’s not true. These big ticket fundraisers are an end run around campaign finance laws to get more money to Mrs. Clinton’s campaign. It’s akin to money laundering. The DNC/DCCC/DSCC don’t care about down ballot races. They have not even bothered to field candidates for a lot of congressional seats. In other cases,