
I’m going to guess you’re one of “those” quarter mile assholes.

I like how there are actually 3 86's in the pic you posted.

How I would feel every time I pulled up in one of these. Peasants like you don’t understand how to ARRIVE.

“cheap plastics”

yWhat about some Avengers & the Infinity Gauntlet?

Incredible 1980s business strategy! Nothing screams “relevant” in 2016 like a limousine to debut your new luxury brand. The Genesis brand barely exists and I already feel sorry for it. They must’ve hired this guy as a consultant:

If ever there was a time for a cop to fucking off someone it was here.

Yeah, it’s available at your local Toyota dealership for $83,825.

I for one think it’s worth it simply for the fact that you can’t find any of these that haven’t been modified well beyond the borders of good taste, nor beat to fuck, nor with eleventeen-squajillion miles. NP for rarity alone. Hell, NP in general. I'd buy this in a second, if I was closer to Canada, and had just north

On a truck equipped with air brakes, it takes air pressure to release the brakes rather than pressure to engage them. So if a line blows out or some other part fails and releases air pressure, the brakes will lock up (this is why you sometimes will see the skid marks of semis on the highway). In this case, it had to

Did you ever notice poor people can’t get Porsches? They should be called Riches.

A “Mystery Bidder” is going to outbid everyone for the whole collection. Then we will discover that the Mystery Bidder is Jerry, and he’s keeping his cars. He just thought he’d buy them twice because he’s so f**king rich. Psyche!

said no one ever in the history of man kind!

giggity. Also, an E60 M5