
I’ve lived 42 years and never once have I voted nor has a president affected any part of my life. Other than your irrational fears, and hurt feelings can you name 1 way Trump has affected your life in any way? Live your life and stop crying about something that has 0 affect on your life.

Seems like CSPD ought to be less worried about the calls coming from journalists, and more worried about the calls

And every time she thought she was finished, another Columbo would appear and say, “Just one more thing....”

I was serious and admit I don’t follow college ball — or this article, clearly! — closely enough to have caught the joke, which is a good one that I was too stupid to pick up on. Even though the capitalized “White” should’ve tipped me off.

“Welp, so much for White privilege.”

That’s back alley dice. No imaginary craps table present, and throwing the imaginary dice on the ground.

This is so unfair. When I piss in a cooler it’s all “This is a public beach!” and “My kids’ snacks are in there!”

So the Red Sox are still stealing signs then?

The new Yankee Stadium cost more than $2 billion. What are you talking about?

Coach Meyer went on to state “that Coach Herman does not look like a steer, and that Texas was only famous for two things.”

But please remember the inviolable rule of Cleveland Browns drafts: It’s not that they make bad choices, it’s that bad things happen to good players after the Browns pick them.

I have a friend who’s dad is 100% Zuni (he’s half Zuni and half Japanese) I asked him what he thought about Chief Wahoo being racist. He told me (while wearing his Cleveland Indians cap), “people should worry more about the poor folks on the reservations than some cartoon.”

It’s the only way a Royal can get runs lately.

Great reference, I love Cleveland-style chili! Not quite as good as a Pittsburgh cheesesteak on fresh L.A. sourdough bread, but a close second.

Wrong part of Ohio

Yeah, but only because their players are better.

Now playing

Literally all I ever knew about Cobb County Georgia before this was to read the signs and respect the law and order.

Boy, if you can’t trust an unethical physician willing to dispense an almost unlimited amount of highly addictive narcotics to a group of men whose livelihood depends on them, who CAN you trust?

The man claims he has been running track since high school, and that he was never cut.