That kid is on the fast-track to being an insufferable Ohio State fan in no time.
That kid is on the fast-track to being an insufferable Ohio State fan in no time.
This is nothing. The New York Mets have been pretending to be a pro-style team for 53 years.
Looks great, what’s wrong with it? It’s a turbocharged, manual, brown station wagon. Isn’t that what you stupid kids on here keep clamoring for?
One Of These Days This Will End Poorly
What in the actual fuck was this?
he is a second or third option because the real second and third options are hurt
The least CBS could do is get some paid professionals on the floor.
It was so good that they showed it to us twice.
When the world wants you to stop, you can just retreat to R&T
He started the night facing away from her, but then turned over 13 times.
The Jeffersons won’t be happy to hear that.
I dunno. When was the last time you died from eating tainted meat?
What’s the point of even talking about this? We all Goodell is only going to suspend Mayweather two games unless there’s video evidence.
that was a decent amount of effort for something without a punchline
To all of you non-Cleveland fans who have teams routinely make the playoffs and win a few games, I envy you. This is the most fun I’ve had getting drunk and yelling about things in a long time.
This is a pretty pointless article.
Yeah but did you hear about that hockey player who got shot in the head and the priest read him his last rites and he was cremated but still kept playing? LeBron is such a pussy.
Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.