strange rover

I’m glad I’m not the only one. It’s getting harder, and harder for me to spot the ever growing number of things were supposed to be offended by. I couldn’t see what was the issue with this one. In thought maybe I’m getting too old and can’t be bothered to care enough. Social indignity is a young persons game. The fact

The problem with “journalists” getting paid by the click is that EVERYTHING is a controversy, everything is “mind blowing” as long as it’s attached to a popular trending subject and has some POSSIBLE way to pretend to be offended or amazed someone’s gonna write it up so they can afford their TV dinner.

This is funny and unexpected. Not uncomfortable at all to me.

You must be one of those young shits that doesn’t remember what privacy used to be.

I know Dealio. Worked with him for several seasons on Dancing with the Stars, where he worked as a producer.

Do you want to fuck those?

We have finally achieved Maximum Metal.

This car isn’t for you.


“Ugh, he has this ugly old jeep that doesn’t even have windows, but it’s supposed to be worth, like, a couple million dollars or something.”


It is a tough imaginary choice, I agree. Couple thoughts:

Did he say it was a legal obligation? Chill the fuck out you spaz.

Do you even understand the culture at all? Do you know how many engine swaps take place in the stance world? LS powered Mazdas, 2J powered BMWs, S52 powered Nissans... The list goes on and on. People design their own turbo set ups in their garage and slap them on their weird cars with zero aftermarket because they can

its simply; two armed criminals were filming a promotional video about camera people at a gas station that were hanged. They then threatened the the dead cameramen and the owner of the car while in the car and then they all went to there with great speed. The car was NOT a track and trace system...because it was a car.

Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack you

I’m 6’2. My dad’s 6’4. I come from a tall family. And guess what? We don’t get different fucking rules when it comes to being on airplanes.

I logged in to share the same sentiment: fuck off with that asinine no-reclining bullshit. If you cannot handle the person in front of you reclining their seat then you are not meant to be on an airplane.

Inform him that perhaps the exit row would’ve been a better selection and fuck his knees right up.