Kids these days...
Kids these days...
The education market these days is Texas Instruments. I'm currently in engineering school, where everybody has a high-end graphing calc. TI-89s here are as ubiquitous as anything ever has been. I can count the people I know who use non-TI calculators on one hand, and three of those are professors.
Cool, now stop ruining your line of calculators by skimping on build quality to try to undercut TI on price and edge into the education market. The education market is gone. Selling HP50g's for $50 would not get it back. How's about you guys just keep making rock-solid RPN calculators for people who actually know…
Oh, it matters.
This is perhaps the most nonsensical argument I've ever read. A beautiful, efficient, and forward-thinking new airplane makes its debut and you think everybody should ignore it because someday, one of them may be involved in a wreck?
As a Liverpool fan, I know all too well how classy AC Milan always is when it comes to showing respect after a tragedy. Those guys are straight class.
"And maybe punctuate it with your middle finger."
That sounds awesome! I've seen a couple rasta-themed Tumbuk2's around and always thought they were sweet looking. Mine is from the batch made up for Dirt Rag magazine in 2000, a medium with greyscale panels. If I remember correctly, they had some custom Dirt Rag rasta-themed models available at the time as well.
Minor point of information for those (author included) comparing Cherry MX switches with old IBM keyboards: The IBM models (Model M is what most of us are thinking about) use buckling-spring switches, which are a totally different technology than Cherry switches and have their own distinct sound and feel. Those in…
You must have gotten a pre sell-out model. When Timbuk2 sold out to VMG in 2005, the quality and rep of their bags fell through the floor. My mom has a couple-years-old bag, and its quality is on par with a Costco JanSport backpack. The material is thin and slippery, and the whole thing has no heft to it. My 12…
Thing I hate about the Paris Metro is the station signage. It's posted too high on the wall, so standing passengers need to hunch over to see it out the windows.
Nice avatar.
For a bit of nostalgia, here's the trailer I remember watching over and OVER again. GTA III coincided with my senior year of high school and was one of the most influential games I have ever played.
This is going to be COTD, isn't it?
I don't know why I keep responding, since we're just going to disagree on this. I think the purchase of a million dollar car should be a million dollar experience, down to the last detail. You apparently do not. I think I would probably find more people who agree with me than with you, but that's another story.
I don't see where I've put any words in your mouth at all. It's just that one person's "shit" is another person's "good enough". I think it's obvious which category each of us fall into; that's why I am dubious of the quality of the visuals you produce. I'd also go out on a limb and say the type of person who in in…
Can't have been. I was in Wyoming at the time.
If you think those pictures are good enough to represent a million dollar car, I'm skeptical of what your graphic design must look like. The Miura is listed as Rosso Corsa. I know what Rosso Corsa looks like and it doesn't look anything like what shows up in those pictures. Also, most of the shots are dizzyingly…
I may be mistaken, but I think the airbag didn't deploy. In that case, the emergency responders will clamp a strong cover over the steering wheel to protect against it unexpectedly deploying later on, when somebody may be leaning over it or sitting (for whatever reason) with their face too close.