Great story until I got to the part about his being "upset, about plans for a mosque".
Great story until I got to the part about his being "upset, about plans for a mosque".
NSFW, psh. My only complaint is the lack of a wallpaper-size link.
I'm not entirely sure that music is not from SimCity 3000.
Ouch, that sucks. I owe you one.
I'm not sure, but my guess would be that anyone who doubts the moon landing occurred would also doubt the validity of the pictures. There's probably a little bit of "I'm not going to dignify your behavior with a response" sentiment as well.
It's obviously a fake picture. Did NASA seriously think we'd believe the tracks would still be there after 40 years of erosion from lunar wind and moon rain?
Using the Hubble Telescope to take a picture of the surface of the moon would be equivalent to using binoculars to look at a bacterial sample on a slide. Optics are optimized for a certain distance (or at least order of magnitude of distance). The Hubble was designed to look at bodies light years away, not hundreds…
That acceleration is absolutely terrifying.
To be fair, that's better than he treated the computer named after her.
Haunted Garden? He owns the Jackling House, but he sets up a haunted garden?
How dare you criticize such an upstanding and valuable group of people.
The autopilot can fly the airplane just fine so long as everything's going okay. It's when major airframe problems occur that it is unable to cope. This is when skilled pilots come in. When the shit hits the fan in the cockpit, there is absolutely no substitute for an experienced human brain at the controls.
No, you didn't miss it. It wasn't there, which is bullshit (even though it's more of a Philly movie).
Wow. Looking at the thumbnail I totally thought this was an E38.
-Beavis, thus sucks. Change the channel.
Maybe she left the headlights on, to get a good BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP - *tink* *tink* - BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP - *tink* *tink* rythym going.
Cool front end.
"Click it or Ticket!" Haha, what a clever rhyme! It's so perfect! They should use it everywhere! On TV, billboards, bumper stickers, everywhere! People will never get tired of hearing it because it's just so clever! People love being talked down to like 4th graders, especially when the rhyme is that good!
Nice work, Swag! Your gift from me is half a pack of cigarettes, to help you get wherever you're going in life. Don't forget your sunglasses.
Itt: People who don't know the earth is round.