It's a 737-300, which entered operation in the early 1980s. Not too much older than the 747-400 in Wesley's picture, and possibly newer.
It's a 737-300, which entered operation in the early 1980s. Not too much older than the 747-400 in Wesley's picture, and possibly newer.
"He asked me what I was doing up there, and I said, 'I was selling airplanes'."
Not sure what to say about Scott Burgess thinking a CEL is red. I would have expected better.
What is this I don't even?
Every once in a while, it's a Nascar. Of course it's company policy never to imply ownership in the event of a Nascar... always use the indefinite article a Nascar, never your Nascar.
I don't understand. You're saying you'd be more likely to consider a Hyundai if they cost more and had less warranty coverage?
I don't know, but now I'm kind of wishing I was there.
Don't you mean "comfortaful"?
Good. It's a way overused word in customer service anyway. To me it says, "I could easily solve your problem if I wanted to, but I want you to think it's completely out of my control—and I want you to think I give a damn, even though I'm not faking it very well at all."
Not really a big deal; that's how you're supposed to ship Mazdas.
Definitely my TI-89 graphing calculator (HW2 Revision). I use it every day and know it like the back of my hand. After ten years of use and abuse, there's a sentimental attachment, too. I wouldn't give it up for the world.
As a Ron Paul fan, I just had a hearty LOL.
It's a beauty for sure.
Original? That's an E34. Still nice though, even if it is the wrong color.
See, I got the impression that the motorcycle was a special purchase just for the assassination. The RS6 being Morty's car does make more sense though, now that you mention it.
Both very good choices, of movie and car! The RS6 Avant was just a perfect match for Mr. X's character, wasn't it?
Jack Lemmon's 2002 in The China Syndrome. Always liked it because it looked exactly like mine.
The tilt of Earth's axis is 23.5 degrees, winter and summer. You bring up a good point as to what would happen if the tilt were different. I would think (just thinking, this is by no means scientific) that an increased tilt would mean more extreme seasons, and would move the Tropic of Cancer and Arctic Circle (as…
The statement I was responding to was "if our distance to the sun decreased even a fraction of a percent, I'm sure we'd boil to death." Of course a 5% change would result in drastic changes to the environment—especially since, by definition, that is the very edge of the habitable zone. All I was saying is that a…