strange rover

We're not in style right now. That's fine with me, though. Let all the duffers stick to the pavement and stop tearing up the singletrack with their locked up rear wheels.

@mstrjon32: When I used to live and work in San Diego, I would see 206 hatchbacks on a regular basis (Mexican plates). I was always super jealous.

You've got me doubting myself, and you're probably right. After all, most of my knowledge comes from late-night websurfing half asleep and full drunk.

I'd so do it, too.

If I'm not mistaken, the Grosser is the shorter one. The one pictured above is actually a Pullman, right?

"It's not good to let any kid near a container that has a skull and

So, if "G-string" does indeed stand for groin-string, then what does "C-string" stand for? I'll let you figure it out.

@maximum_sarge: How come I never knew you were from Wyo? Albany County here; go Pokes!

I heard another interesting opinion on push/pull signs. "If you walk face first into a door marked 'PULL', it's not your fault." Those signs are basically a crutch for bad design. Those who design the door don't have to worry about making it intuitive, because they can always just put a sign there if it's not easy

I've always thought keyboards should be in lowercase. Not out of any kind of design sensibility, but because that's what you get when you press the key. You need to shift to get capitals, so why do they always get front billing? Also, they say that lowercase letters are more distinct from each other than block

Actually, I think you mean "Cue". I wouldn't have said anything, but you brought it up. ;-)

So when I fire up GTA, I become worse than Bin Laden?

Normally I do the same thing, but I need to cross Utah tomorrow, so that pedal's going to stay buried.

So, the saddle ensures that even though the goat-mower is autonomous, you still have a place to drink your beer on Sundays?

I feel you. Where I live in Wyoming, it's nice to see $3.35 up on the board, but when you roll up you notice that "regular" is 85 octane. Hitting the 87 octane button brings the price up to $3.55. Not cool, man.

Grandaddy! Central Valley Cali FTW!

God, that Cortina looks good.

This. The cars usually still have a cabin full of instrumentation, often in addition to outboard sensors, but as for the straight-across equivalent to the Cortina, this is it.

You mean four plus a driver, right? Just like a Crown Vic.