@8x10: Deep sea submersible windows are actually quartz. And no, glass wouldn't crack from the pressure if there was no air behind it to compress.
@8x10: Deep sea submersible windows are actually quartz. And no, glass wouldn't crack from the pressure if there was no air behind it to compress.
Why wouldn't it work the same way it does now? The point directly between your fingers is the centering point, and it zooms out proportionately to how far you spread your fingers.
@Slid Pissed Tossed Mazda3hatch sideways into a effin DITCH: This would be my actual choice. I will have one. Or at least an XT "Sports".
I didn't say it doesn't make sense. I said that it also makes perfect sense the opposite way. That's why it's bad interface design—because it's ambiguous. Ambiguity is bad, whether it's on iPhone, Android, or any other touch OS.
Agreed. The Samsung method is ambiguous, too. Funny that me both mentioned inverted stick controls (seems we were both typing at the same time). For me, though, it's always been natural. I would never be able to think of a stick control any other way.
A good test for user interaction is to ask yourself "would it make just as much sense the other way?" If it does, then the interaction method is, by definition, ambiguous.
Makes a lot more sense than the iPhone method.
That really says a lot about the redesign, doesn't it. GD Impreza + tree trunk = GE Impreza.
You haven't been here long, have you? Also, the car in question was not a wagon in the first place.
Hey, man, it takes a lot of beer to get a job like that done. Sounds like a nice afternoon to me. Why not stretch it out as much as possible?
Nice Model M.
ITT: People get butthurt over the destruction of a mass-produced consumer product.
Hey cousin! We are gentlemen. We should go to gentlemen's club together.
A $1,500 transmission vs. a $15,000 (at least) new car? I don't think sunk cost fallacy really applies there. Some people just can't afford to buy a new car when their old one breaks.
You'd do more damage with a chicken drumstick.
Red light indicates doors are secured.
No! We can not take the Yellowbird out of the equation. Yellowbird stays.
A highly exclusive "unlimited" license class on public roads. There would be rigorous qualifying (requiring at least as much effort as a Bachelor's degree). After satisfactory completion, drivers would be issued with blacked-out license plates (because that would look cool) and basically have no rules of the road…
Anywhere there is a large gathering of people (conventions, special events, job fairs), there are usually companies giving out small thumb drives with company logos on them. They're usually less than 1GB, but that's enough to run a lot of the utilities on this page. I have gotten quite a few this way, and a cool…
If you're looking for an analog watch and nighttime brightness is important, I would suggest a standard model Swatch. Their phosphorescent paint is the best I've even seen. It will glow legibly (bright enough to see from across the room) all night long. The are simple, reliable, can be dunked in water, and cost…