It does. Though with my particular TDI (09, no urea tx) putting out more NOx than a 1980 Rabbit diesel, the actual analysis could be interesting. Sounds complicated and time consuming.. Any environmental economists in the audience?
It does. Though with my particular TDI (09, no urea tx) putting out more NOx than a 1980 Rabbit diesel, the actual analysis could be interesting. Sounds complicated and time consuming.. Any environmental economists in the audience?
On point 1 - I vehemently agree. The restitution calculation is completely backwards. Basing restitution on vehicle value completely misses the point of it and suggests to me VW isn’t seriously considering the damage they’ve done — to the environment and their customers’ trust.
Paying restitution based on vehicle value seems inverted to me — aren’t damages the most for those who’ve been driving the car the longest (and had the most polluting cars)?