
What, from the clue, made the Bureau of Indian Affairs a poor response to DD2? Obviously it would not be correct, but it seems like it was asking us to name a Bureau dealing with the West in 1890. Nothing specific to direct us to Census.

I thought about that while watching. Since misspelling is acceptable as long as it doesn't alter the pronunciation, no struggle necessary. Valid response.

Thank you for the promotion, sir!

I heard that term years ago. It's a British adjective usually used to describe dive bars. Felt it applied. Kind of a "dive" show.

Thank you to The Cape and No Ordinary Family. Why?
When Rowan reviewed those, he noted how it was difficult to make a good superhero show. Some people alerted him to Misfits.
His ensuing recommendation and initial reviews got me to watch Misfits.
Solipsistic logic: without those two shows, there'd be no Misfits.

I give an A. For reasons I state below here 4 hrs after this original post.

Sure, there were a couple of plot holes. But it's a superpowers show that has featured it's fair share of time travel. So that gets a pass.
This finale gets an A for staying true to the show's frenetic, barebones, spit-and-sawdust nature.
A great series finale is always tough to pull off. Sticking to its rough and

Aha. I didn't recall the drug-taking. (But definitely remembered Curtis' future vision.) But that ep came back to me after your link.
Thanks. Helpful reviewer, you are.

I can't think of any specific episode, but haven't main characters on this show been clubbing and dropping ecstasy before? (Besides the Curtis pre-service ep where they all cross paths.) Why do their powers only reverse now? I guess the old lady saying so did it.